
The Liebster Award.

Jeg er blevet nomineret til denne award af en engelsktalende blogger, hvilket er grunden til, at dette indlæg er på engelsk.
I am so happy to have been nominated for The Liebster Award by a wonderful blogger called Caroline, who runs Carolinevsworld. I was really surprised when I read about the nomination and very honoured that Caroline chose me thank you so much for the nomination.
Caroline has a very interesting blog which I think you should check out. There are posts about beauty, fashion and lifestyle but also personal posts which I love to read.
The idea behind The Liebster Award is that you are asked a number of questions by the blogger who nominated you. You then nominate bloggers you like and ask them new questions – it is a bit like a chain message in the blogging world. It is a fantastic way of getting to know new bloggers so I am very happy to accept taking on the award.

Here are the rules for the nominees:
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and comment on their blog
2. Include a link to their blog
3. Nominate 10 bloggers that you think deserve the award, and notify them
4. Answer the 10 questions you are given, and give 10 more for the bloggers you nominate to answer
5. Make a copy of the rules in your post

Here are Caroline’s questions for me:
1. How did you come up with the name for your blog
Originally I was inspired by a holiday to the British capital because when you go by Underground in London, you will both hear and read that you should “Mind the Gap” – that is be careful not to fall onto the tracks. But to me the name also has a metaphorical meaning referring to awareness of life’s gaps so to speak. Besides I like the sound of it ;-)

2. What is the best gift you've ever received?
I guess it must be my camera. I have a Canon 550D which I use regularly when I take photos for my blog. A great camera is a must for any blogger ;-)

3. Who is your favorite Disney princess?
The Sleeping Beauty – maybe because she has long blonde hair like me ;-) Besides I used to love pink, my favourite colour when I was a child.

4. Where is the most beautiful place you've ever been?
The northern most point of Denmark, Skagen. Here two oceans meet and there is the most beautiful view you will ever see – especially in the morning when the sun rises and no people are around on the beach

5. Any unique/unordinary talents or quirks?
I am able to roll my tongue into a sort of cylinder – only a small part of all people on earth are able to do so, hehe.

6. Best date you've ever been on (with a boy OR a friend!)
I love to visit cafés with my friends. Sitting there talking and enjoying a cup of hot chocolate is my idea of “a great date”.

7. What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?
I hope I will be a stylist and a blogger living in a big city where I see lots of inspiring fashion – hopefully with the love of my life.

8. Favorite song currently?
I really love to listen to Stitches by Shawn Mendes at the moment – such a great song!

9. Favorite song of all time?
I have had lots of favourite songs so it is very hard to choose one specific song. I tend to move with the trend ;-)

10. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
Oh, LOTS! For some reason my friends love to invent nicknames for me – and I love what they come up with, always very funny names.

Now here are my questions for the ones I nominated:
1.What is the best part about blogging?
2.A must-have in any wardrobe in your opinion?
3.Who is the celebrity you would invite for dinner?
4.Which item do you always take with you when you leave your home in the morning?
5.What is your favourite perfume?
6.What inspires you when you create your blog posts?
7.What is your favourite film currently?
8.Where did you last go on holiday?
9.What did you have for breakfast this morning?
10.What do you spend most of your money on?

I now nominate the following lovely ladies:
Frederikke: Frederikkes
Sofie: A Sea of Inspiration
Agnes: By Agnes Jensen
Louise: White Lights
Gabrielle: A Glass of Ice
Alejandra: Stylish Patterns
Roberta: Milleunrossetto

I really look forward to reading your answers! Have fun <3

16 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg takker 1000 X for nomineringen. Jeg har du vil læse svarene :)
    Jeg takker endnu engang :)
    Knus http://www.blueducklings.wordpress.com :)

    1. Jeg er rigtig glad for, du tog udfordringen op! Jeg har læst dine svar, vældig spændende :-)

  2. Mange tak for nomineringen! :-) jeg laver postet hurtigst muligt!


    1. Det lyder dejligt - glæder mig til at læse dine svar, Agnes :-)

  3. Thank you Sweetie for nominated me! I appreciate it<3
    I try to answer ASAP <3


    1. Yor are welcome! I look forward to reading your answers :-)

  4. Tusind tak for nomineringen -jeg har udgivet mine svar <3

    Knus Sofie

    1. Selv tak, søde Sofie! Har lige læst dine rigtige fine svar :-)

  5. I love the meaning behind your blog name and your plan for the future - good luck! Thanks for nominating me by the way, very sweet of you :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

    1. Thanks a lot, Gabrielle! Wish you a nice weekend :-)

  6. Super fedt indlæg! Rigtig længe siden jeg har set sådan et her i blogger-land :)
    - Ha en dejlig weekend :)


    1. Tak for din søde kommentar!
      - Ønsker dig en dejlig søndag :-)

  7. I love the name of your blog! I wish I was that creative. ;) And I would love to go to Skagen. We often go to Sønderborg for vacation, it is one my favourite places. :) x


    1. Thanks for your comment :-) I am very happy that you like the name of my blog!
      - I know Sønderborg very well, it's such a nice place. I live in the same part of the country.

  8. Thank you pretty for this nomination! I'm so glad for it:)
    It was fantastic to know more about you!
    Happy week dear,

  9. Tusinde tak fordi du har nomineret mig ! Jeg har nu udgivet indlægget samt svar på alle dine spørgsmål :)

