1 | Overalls | Bra | Sneakers | Bag-pack | Sunglasses |
| Outfit 2 | Bomber-jacket | Jeans | Turtleneck tee | Sneakers | Bag-pack | Baseball-cap |
| Outfit 2 | Bomber-jacket | Jeans | Turtleneck tee | Sneakers | Bag-pack | Baseball-cap |
ny trend som har vist sig denne sommer, og som jeg er sikker på går ind i
efterårsmoden også – og bringer mig tilbage til min barndom - er badges. Jeg
tror godt, vi alle kan huske, at hvis man havde været ude og lege, og kom hjem
med et hul i bukserne, kom man grædende til mor, for man var bange for, hvad
der skulle ske… hvorefter hun satte en sjov badge på hullet, og alt var godt
igen, og nu endda sejere. Nu behøves der ikke længere at være et hul i
bukserne, for disse badges er blevet en trend at kaste masser af på jakker,
bukser, tasker osv. Jeg synes personligt, det ser så fedt ud, og jeg har
faktisk i tankerne at sy nogle på en af mine denim jakker. Men hvis man måske
ikke har den kreative ånd, så kan de sagtens købes ”færdiglavede” over alt i butikkerne.
I kan se på overstående billeder, er der et par eksempler af outfits, jeg har
genskabt dog med mit egent touch. En af overstående personer er den
verdenskendte Youtuber Zoella, som bærer et par overalls med
badges. ;-) Links til tøjet finder I over her!
Hvad synes I om denne trend?
There is a new trend you
have not been
to avoid
seeing in stores, magazines and online this
summer, and I am sure the trend is going into the fall trends also
… and this
trend is patches! This trend brings me back to my
childhood. Because I am pretty sure you
all remember how you had been out playing and then got home with a hole in your jeans and you
walked up to your mom,
crying because you were afraid of what was going to happen… But then
your mom
pulled out a funny
patch and sewed
it on the hole, and everything was good again! But now
do not need
to have a hole in your jeans because these patches have become a big trend to have all over your jackets, jeans, bags and you
it. Personally I think it looks so awesome and I have thought about maybe sewing some on one of my denim jackets. But if you
not that
creative you could also just go to the shops, there
clothes with patches on everywhere.
– I have made some outfit examples with my
touch. One of the persons you see is the world
Youtuber Zoella, who has overalls on with patches. ;-) You
find links to the clothes just above
What do you think of this trend?
Nice images...
SvarSletOnline Women Clothing
Den bomber-jacket er vildt lækker :D
Patches er en rigtig fed detalje! Er vild med den fine bomber-jacket :)
Great looks! Want to buy jeans with patches))
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